Cervical Cancer Screening
Cervical cancer affects the lives of more than 12,800 women in the United States each year. To reduce your risk for this type of cancer, Steven Valfer, MD, and Regan Valfer, MD, offer routine cervical cancer screening services at Highland Park Ob-Gyn Associates in Northbrook, Illinois. The doctors provide customized treatment plans for cervical cancer screening and treatment of precancerous and cancerous cervical abnormalities. They perform LEEP procedures and offer HPV testing and vaccinations to reduce your risk of developing precancerous and cancerous cervical abnormalities. If you haven’t had a cervical cancer screening, book one online or call today.
Highland Park Ob-Gyn Associates
OB/GYNs located in Northbrook, IL
Well WoCervical Cancer Screening Q&A
What is cervical cancer?
Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the cells lining your cervix, the bottom part of your uterus that connects to your vagina.
These cells may turn cancerous due to an infection from different strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is a common sexually transmitted disease (STD) that can cause cells to grow abnormally and out of control, resulting in precancerous and sometimes cancerous changes of your cervix.
Other risk factors for cervical cancer include:
Smoking history
Early sexual activity
Weakened immune system
Other STDs, like chlamydia and gonorrhea
Routine cervical cancer screenings can detect precancerous cell changes that may increase your chances of developing cervical cancer.
What is involved in a cervical cancer screening?
A cervical cancer screening uses a test called a Pap smear to collect a sample of cells from your cervix.
The physicians at Highland Park Ob-Gyn Associates offer routine Pap smears as part of your pelvic exam. They follow the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) guidelines and make decisions with you about the need for screenings based upon your medical history.
To collect the cells, your provider sample cells from the surface of your cervix. They send the sample to a medical lab for further evaluation to determine if cells are precancerous or cancerous.
The providers also offer HPV testing, similar to a Pap smear, collecting cells to determine if you have an infection that can increase your risk for precancerous or cancerous changes of your cervix. To prevent your risk of developing an HPV infection or cervical cancer, you can receive an HPV vaccination at Highland Park Ob-Gyn Associates.
How is cervical cancer treated?
If your tests show your cervical cells are precancerous or cancerous, your Highland Park Ob-Gyn Associates provider may request additional testing, including a colposcopy to further evaluate the abnormalities. This procedure uses a special high-powered magnifying instrument to get a closer look at your cervix, vulva, and vagina.
Depending on the diagnosis, your provider may recommend treatments like:
Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP)
LEEP is a treatment to remove precancerous cells from your cervix using a small electrical wire loop. The providers offer LEEP if they discover abnormal cells during a Pap smear or colposcopy.
Cold knife cone (CKC)
CKC is a procedure to remove a cone-shaped piece of your cervical tissue using a scalpel or laser technology. The doctors can use CKC to remove both precancerous and cancerous cells from your cervix. They perform this procedure in a hospital setting and provide you with general anesthesia to keep you comfortable.
To schedule a preventive cervical cancer screening, call Highland Park Ob-Gyn Associates or request an appointment online today. man Exams Q & A
What is a well-woman exam?
A well-woman exam is an annual preventive health care service that focuses on evaluating your reproductive and general health.
The exam also provides your Highland Park Ob-Gyn Associates physician with the opportunity to identify potential issues that may cause long-term health complications.
The providers offer comprehensive well-woman exams for women of all ages, starting in adolescence. The physicians are also skilled in addressing the gynecological needs of senior women.
What can I expect during a well-woman exam?
During your initial well-woman exam, the physicians at Highland Park Ob-Gyn Associates spend time getting to understand your personal and family medical history, your lifestyle, and your plans for a family.
They’re also available to discuss any new symptoms you’re experiencing and answer any questions you have about your general or sexual health.
To assess the health and function of your reproductive system, your physician performs a pelvic exam. Along with your pelvic exam, they also perform a human papillomavirus (HPV) screening and a Pap smear, a procedure to collect a sample of cells from your cervix to identify early signs of precancerous or cancerous changes.
As part of your well-woman exam, your Highland Park Ob-Gyn Associates provider also performs a breast exam to screen for early signs of breast cancer.
If they identify suspicious lumps, you may need follow-up ultrasound testing, which is available in the office, to further evaluate your breast tissue.
Based on your lifestyle, you may also need routine testing for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) like gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia. The physicians offer comprehensive STD testing and treatment services.
Can I get birth control at my well-woman exam?
To help you plan the family you want, the providers at Highland Park Ob-Gyn Associates offer birth control prescriptions and contraception counseling services to help you choose the right method for your needs. They also provide related services including intrauterine device (IUD) placement, such as Mirena®, Skyla®, Kyleena®, and Paragard®, and diaphragm fittings.
If you’re interested in a permanent form of birth control, the team offers tubal ligations. This procedure involves cauterizing or removing your fallopian tubes to prevent sperm from reaching your eggs for fertilization.
To schedule your annual well-woman exam, call Highland Park Ob-Gyn Associates or use the online booking feature to request an appointment today.
Services We Offer & Conditions We Treat
Abnormal Bleeding
Breast Exam
Cervical Cancer Screening
Gynecological Surgery
PCOS & Ovarian Cysts
Pelvic Pain
Preconceptual Counseling
Prenatal Care
Urinary Problems
Vaginal Infections
Vaginal Rejuvenation
Well Woman Exams